Behind the scenes


“In the sense of industrial property, a trademark is a “sign” that makes it possible to precisely distinguish the products or services of a company from those of its competitors. The sign can be a word, a name, a slogan, a logo, a design, etc. or the combination of these different elements.”

Source National Institute of Industrial Property

In other words, the name of the brand is important.

At the beginning, the idea comes quickly with a brand name: COTON which is the French word for cotton.

Simple, effective, ok but why Coton?



For the story, when I was little, I had a piece of soft cotton as a blanket. I remember I used to ask for a “spritz” of my mom’s perfume to keep her perfume close to me.

Constantly carrying this piece of cotton in my hand, I was soon nicknamed Marine Coton.

Several years later, when I started to talk about this passion that animated me, I noticed that the memories of those around me often related to the silly things I did as a child: Chanel No. 19 mixed with a little water, the bottle of Eau de Cologne spilled on my head at my grandparents’ house because I just wanted to smell the fragrance, bottles of perfume mixed together, flowers crushed in the rainwater…

I always had a nose for perfumes.

So, when it was time to find the name of the brand, I told myself that my childhood nickname had been the first testimony of this passion.

More precisely, the piece of soft cotton materialized my discovery of perfume. The word Cotton seemed perfect to me to give the identity to the brand.

The idea of giving the name of a textile raw material to a textile perfume brand made sense. The word was compatible with the image of the brand and easy to pronounce in several languages.

So I made my decision, the name of the brand will be COTON.

All I had to do was register it.

To be continued…


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