Behind the scenes


In France, on March 16th 2020 at 8pm, the announcement falls, we are now confined for several weeks.

On my side, at this precise moment, it is no longer time to turn back to find a job because given the conditions I am much better at home to develop my project.

Since January, I’ve been doing research, writing down ideas in my notebook, taking webinars on business and financial plans. In short, like a good student, I listen to all the good advice.

So, when I officially start writing my business plan, I don’t realize how much work is ahead of me. I know that the project is differentiating and therefore I will need weapons to defend it in front of the banks.

Blank page and laziness

To give myself courage (you all know the trick I guess), I start by making a nice cover page and I choose a nice page layout.

Once that’s done, I start writing down the few ideas in my notebook. Then I face my first two enemies: the blank page and my laziness.

To top it all, Canal + (a French TV pay channel) announces its switch to free-to-air TV for the period. Imagine… I had series to catch up on, the remote control was calling me and to make things worse: I was working in my living room.

Canal + free-to-air TV

Vous qui êtes en télétravail dans votre salon, vous connaissez ces

You who telework in your living room, you know those few enemies that surround us: the television, the phone, the fridge, the cupboard…

Really, you have no idea… It’s not human to work with so many temptations around!

Next investment for sure, a desk.

Go! I’m adding it to my financial plan.

So I had to find a solution to overcome my demons.

To be continued…


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