Behind the scenes


So I understand that I need help and guidance on what to do next.

Not really knowing who to turn to, I start with a safe bet: I schedule an appointment with a CCI advisor.

After reading my business plan, she told me about BGE Parif, an association that helps people who want to become entrepreneurs. In particular, she told me about the BGE incubator-lab, which gives project holders the opportunity to test their idea with the status of a trial entrepreneur.

I discovered testimonials from entrepreneurs supported by the BGE. I found all the elements I was looking for: advice, training, and a whole network of entrepreneurs who, like me, are in the process of creating their own business.

Entire network of entrepreneurs

Here we go! I apply and complete my file which is finally selected to go to the commission. It’s the first time I’m going to talk about my project to people I don’t know. So I set myself a challenge: convince them!

Presentation to the committee

I practice talking about my project and even rehearse by myself in front of my mirror.

The day of the commission: I pitch my idea. I made a nice presentation that seems to catch on.

The jury questions me: I realize that I don’t have all the answers. I will have to rework certain points.

The jury’s deliberation seemed both interminable and too fast. I have time to ask myself a lot of questions and then I get the answer: I am accepted into the incubator!

I am very proud and this is already a big step forward for me. I convinced the jury of my determination to create my business.

The beginnings of Marine Coton and the creation of prototypes.

In July 2020, I joined the BGE incubator for a period of 10 months during which I will be accompanied to create the perfume, invent the product packaging and test the prototype to validate the concept.

For 10 months, I will be pushed to my limits and I will make my product and my speech evolve. I will have the opportunity to meet future customers, to question them, to have them test the product. I will also be confronted with my first problems and the reality of the field for the creation of the product.

When I leave the incubator in April 2021, my spirits are high and I feel that it is time to register the company and start producing the first product of the brand.

The company’s mission starts here. But what is the mission of Marine Coton?

To be continued…

P.S.: I would like to take advantage of this little article to thank Yoann, my advisor, for his encouragement throughout my support. I would also like to thank the entire BGE Parif team for sharing their experience, the training sessions, and in particular Françoise for her advice on the image of the brand.


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